3-week, self paced

Active Flexibility Courses

These on-demand, 3-week courses are for anyone who wants to improve their active flexibility, but has limited time in their week to dedicate to training!

Here's what to expect from these ALL-LEVELS courses:

  • Every week for 3 weeks, you'll get access to a brand new active flexibility program: a downloadable PDF with photos and descriptions of each drill, as well as a full exercise library containing instructional videos of each drill in the program. Each video contains progressions, regressions, proper technique, and intent of every exercise-- so you understand exactly what it is and WHY it's included! 
  • Each week's routine will take you 25-40 minutes to complete, and your goal is to do it TWICE that week. 
  • You will have access to course materials FOREVER -- the intent is for you to jump start your training with these three weekly programs, and then have all the tools needed to continue your journey after the course is over. 

Looking for something flexibility-adjacent and a bit nerdier??

[on-demand] A 3-week Intensive covering all things NERVE TENSION!

This previously-held, three-week course takes a deep-dive into all things NERVE TENSION as related to performing arts. It's for folks who have *heard* of nerve tension and know some of the basics -- maybe a nerve glide or two -- but would like to learn WAY MORE about what it is, what it means, how to test for it, and how to make it BETTER!  This course covers the foundations of neurodynamics, as well as in-depth information and drills for the primary peripheral nerves of the upper and lower bodies.  It's ideal for both coaches AND students, and you'll leave with all sorts of actionable knowledge and drills to implement into training.    Each week, you'll receive a pre-recorded lecture covering that week's content, as well as an exercise manual with all drills that will be covered during that week's class. You should plan to review and perform these exercises and watch the lecture on your own time PRIOR to each week's live zoom class. Be sure to write down questions you'd like to discuss. If you cannot attend the class live, you will be able to submit questions beforehand for me to answer during the class, and then watch the replay on your own time. The live class time will be in an "office hours" / discussion-style format. It is student-driven and based on your questions -- we won't be going over the technique involved in EACH exercise, only the drills for which students request further demonstration or clarification.  Class time will be used to answer student questions, or for students to request form-checks on any of the exercises covered that week. Questions about practical application of these drills, or progressions/regressions, are also welcomed during this time.    Below is the weekly course outline and agenda:    Week 1: Foundations of Neurodynamics   The first part of this series will cover all things NERVE TENSION that are related to movement arts and flexibility: What IS nerve tension? How do we determine if nerve tension is limiting strength & flexibility? How do we address nerve tension to optimize strength and flexibility gains?   At the start of the course, you will receive a one hour, pre-recorded lecture with all of the above background information needed to set the stage for this course. You will have QUESTIONS after this-- it is an INFO DENSE lecture! You will submit all of your questions via google forms, and we will discuss them during the first week's live class.  You will also receive the week 1 exercise manual: this contains nerve mobilizations for the primary upper and lower body nerves: sciatic, femoral, median, and ulnar.  You should review and try out these drills BEFORE class, and come with questions to discuss.    Week 2: Lower Extremity nerves: strategies to best support and progress healthy neurodynamics    Week 2 will dive into the nerves of the lower body, and discuss what other supporting regions must be assessed and addressed to allow for maximal progress with nerve mobilizations from week one. This will include specific assessments of lower body strength/ muscle activation, joint mobility, and other relevant assessment tools you can use as either a coach or a student. The week 2 exercise manual will contain specific exercises and drills to target any weaknesses discovered in the assessments. These exercises will help to form your own "recipe" of exercises that will help improve your strength, flexibility and nerve tension. Review them before the live zoom session, and come with questions from that and the lecture!   Week 3: Upper Extremity nerves: strategies to best support and progress healthy neurodynamics   Week three will focus on the primary nerves of the upper body, and discuss supporting areas that impact nerve tension. This will include specific assessments of upper body strength/ muscles activation, joint mobility, and other relevant assessment tools you can use in your continued pursuit of neurodynamic excellence. The week 3 exercise manual will contain specific exercises and drills to target any weaknesses discovered in the assessments. These exercises will help to form your own "recipe" of exercises that will help improve your strength, flexibility and nerve tension. Review them before the live zoom session, and come with questions from that and the lecture!   DELIVERABLE #1: Course manual   You will be provided with a course manual at the start of each week, which will serve as your post-course reference guide. This manual contains all of the exercises that will be covered that week -- complete with photos, descriptions, and video links. You should plan to review these BEFORE each week's live zoom class - and come with questions - to maximize our time together.   DELIVERABLE #2: Full exercise routines   At the end of the course, you will receive a PDF follow along routine that serves as a practical application of the course material.  You will receive three total routines: one for the sciatic nerve, one for the femoral nerve, and one for the brachial plexus. These routines will have nerve prep drills, nerve glides, tensioners, joint mobilizations, and muscle activation exercises from the course. This can be your "plug and play" exercise routine, OR you can create your own DIY routine from the material covered.   DELIVERABLE #3: course material   Recordings (streamed, not downloadable) of ALL videos from the course, forever and ever amen. These links will never expire. All non-video course material is downloadable and yours forever.

$299.00 USD